Our Vision
To Become Google Ad Sense Of India
Our Mission
Offer Different Solutions to Advertiser and Developer to Generate Better ways to earn more money efficiently.
Our Objective
Give Hassel Free User Experience for Advertiser and Publishers and to build Biggest User Base.
Milestone 2016-17
100 CR Company in Financial Year 2016-2017 and have a Work Force of 100 Head Counts.
Our Birth!
Apps Discover as an organisation got registered & started its operations in 2013 in India. With a simple idea to reach every user in India with quality ad delivery. Initially, operations were limited to Android applications installation with the highest quality and to meet the KPIs.
Our First Year!
Completing first year in the industry was itself a major milestone for us. During the past year we grew 50% in terms of revenue and opened new streams to penetrate retail market for offline installations of the android applications.
Our Second Year!
With 50% increase in revenue year to year – we started our operations in Singapore to mark our presence in South East Asia. Although our business presence is all over the globe but to be physically present outside India made the difference. During this year we were able to deliver our in-house product OffersBoard for the performance campaigning that can seamlessly integrate with other Performance platforms.
Our Ad Serving Platform!
Mobile Internet Industry is booming and we do not want to miss any opportunity to stay behind. Our constant approach to look forward resulted in our new product for Ad Serving Platform to deliver the campaigns with CPM/CPC promotional methods. Our AdServing Platform is launched in Beta version and we are working hard to go Live with the first version this year.
Global Expansion!
After establishing a strong base in India and Singapore, we now offer our services in Indonesian market and look to expand our business further in the South-East Asia to work with local advertisers.
We Are Apps Discover – A Premium Mobile AD Network
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We love what we do and we do it with passion